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BBC Learning English with The Flatmates Episode 9 - The favour


Learning English with The Flatmates Episode 1

Download - The Flatmates Episode 9 - The favour


The Flatmates Episode 9 : The favour
MichalI'm going to see a film tonight. Will anyone like to come with me?
AliceOh I'd love to Michal but I have to iron all these shirts for Tim.
HelenLook, why don't you go with Michal and I'll iron the shirts?
MichalOh Helen, that's so kind of you.
AliceBut don't you want to go to the cinema too?
HelenYes but I need to study. I'll do the shirts, phone the landlord about keeping the cat and then I'll hit the books.
AliceOh thanks, we owe you. Bye!
HelenOh Cat! What could I do? They seem made for each other.

Written by : Learn from real English Team

We always believe that the best way to learn English is learning English from real English the way the native speaker use. This is the natural way of learning English. You will be surprised how much your English has improved when you expose yourself to real English environment.

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