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CNN Student News - May 26, 2016


CNN Student News - May 26, 2016
CNN Student News - May 26, 2016
Learning Real English with CNN Student News on May 26, 2016. Let's learn real English and see what happened on May 26, 2016.

One of the great way to learn real English is learning English from the news. In this video you will get the news update and learn real English with CNN Student News on May 26, 2016

CNN Student News - May 26, 2016

Download - CNN Student News - May 26, 2016


CNN Student News - May 26, 2016:

Here is the list of the topics in this CNN Student News:
  • G7 Leaders Meet in Japan
  • The Global Arms Trade

The transcripts is located at :  http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1605/26/sn.01.html

Written by : Learn from real English Team

We always believe that the best way to learn English is learning English from real English the way the native speaker use. This is the natural way of learning English. You will be surprised how much your English has improved when you expose yourself to real English environment.

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