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Speak Global English - 15. A voice worth listening to


Speak Global English - 15. A voice worth listening to
Speak Global English - 15. A voice worth listening to

This is the 15th video of Speak Global English series. There are all together 22 video in the series. In this video, Hansen talks about English spoken tips, a voice that worth listening to. Let's see what she has to say in this video.

Speak Global English - 15. A voice worth listening to

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Speak Global English Video Series Part 15: A Voice Worth Listening To

Have you ever heard a speaker who was actually really interesting, but you just couldn't seem to hold your eyes open? Most likely they had a monotonous voice or they just didn't seem very interested in what they were saying.

Make sure you speak with a voice worth listening to. You need to have vocal variety -- those ups and downs in tone that make people want to hear more.

Here are some tips for vocal variety: 

1. Slow down and emphasize important words

The faster you speak, the harder it is to have any variety in your tone and everything will start to sound the same. Slow down and emphasize the important words in your sentences. You'll notice that your voice rises slightly on important words giving more dimension to your message.

2. Make sure your energy is up

If you sound like you are bored by what you're saying, everyone else will think you're boring too. Remember how closely your emotions and voice are linked. Manage your emotions and energy levels, and you'll be able to better manage your voice as well.

3. Project your voice

Sometimes the problem is just that the voice is too calm and quiet. Make sure that you speak from your diaphragm and project your voice out to your audience.

Try to add some energy and enthusiasm to your voice when you speak and people will be more interested in listening.

Written by : Learn from real English Team

We always believe that the best way to learn English is learning English from real English the way the native speaker use. This is the natural way of learning English. You will be surprised how much your English has improved when you expose yourself to real English environment.

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